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Product inquiry


▶ MJ Technopark #206 20 Dalseo-daero 109-gil
Dalseo-gu Daegu, South Korea
▶ TEL.: +82-53-625-4833
▶ FAX: +82-53-582-6723


▶ 172, Dasansandan-ro, Dasan-myeon Goryeong-gun
Gyeongsanbuk-do, South Korea
▶ TEL.: +82-54-954-8500
▶ FAX: +82-54-954-0131

Are you curious about any of our products?

Our experienced technicians are always ready to analyze customer's requirements immediately and supply the right lubricants and solutions within the shortest appropriate time.

Our door is always open for customers and welcomes your visit.

Are you curious about any of our products?
There are several ways to contact us quickly and easily

TEL.: +82-53-625-4833
FAX: +82-53-582-6723